
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Scrumptious Sushi Sculpture

So the other day, Meghan and myself went out for sushi and we received this strange tray.

We were not sure what it's for but we came to the logical conclusion that it's a mini sushi tray.

An empty mini sushi tray needs sushi so, I went out to get some.  Meghan made the Edamame in the tray as well as the blueberries and coconut milk, the sweetheart and the coffee.  Watch for poop and remember to store your food in tupperware.  Enjoy. PEACE
Real freakin cute, eh?


  1. As am I - I'm also wondering if this is why Meghan was late to the 6am the next morning...


    Just kidding - great photos and great blog, Angel!
